Helping teens accelerate their scientific research.

Cleris is your go-to site for zero-cost quality software, research support, inspiring articles, and a collaborative community. We have something for everyone- even if you’re just starting out.

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    Teens have tight budgets.

    We know what it’s like to have an amazing research idea but can’t find any high quality resources and software without a price tag, or support from like-minded people. We’ve partnered with leading software companies to help you use resources for your research at zero-cost and with a collaborative community.

    We offer:

    • A like-minded community to collaborate on research ideas
    • Research competitions
    • High-quality software
    • Scientific articles that inspire scientific innovation

    And best of all- everything is free.

    Our Services:

    We help you grow your science passion at a zero cost.

    Free Software

    We'll provide you with high quality software to use in your research, once accepted into our software program.

    Cleris Connect
    Science Hub

    Collaborate with other teenagers on research projects and gain science advice on our Discord server.

    Science Articles

    Our science articles make science approachable and relatable, inspiring research innovation and ideas.


    Check out our weekly blogs.

    We aim to provide free scientific information to users all over the world. Our blogs are thoroughly reviewed and written to bring information that draws attention to scientific breakthroughs.