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Harnessing the Power of Classical Music in Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death globally; there is a significant need for innovative approaches to their treatment and prevention. Conventional methods such as drugs...

The Future of Gene Therapy: CRISPR TOOL

Gene therapy has been defined by Boston’s Children’s Hospital as a ‘technique used in an effort to treat or prevent disease. When a gene mutation causes a protein to be missing or faulty, gene therapy...

The Hidden Benefits of Reading

The Magic of Reading Reading is normally regarded as a relaxing pastime or a characteristic of a stereotypically smart person. But according to actual MRI scans, reading has amazing effects on your...

Artificial Intelligence – Building the Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a newly emerging dynamic field that is greatly helping in creating technological advancements for the future. You may have heard about AI, but what exactly is it? In...

TDP-43: An Essential Protein in Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is a deadly disease, claiming 121,499 lives in the U.S., making it the sixth-leading cause of death in the country. Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the degeneration of...

Prosthetics: A Rapidly Changing Field of Innovation

Prosthetics are a life-saving and common innovation – according to the World Health Organization, around 35-40 million people around the world require prosthetic devices! Prosthetics help so...

Why We Find Comfort in Rewatching Movies

Pressing Play We’ve all done it before: rewatching “Friends” for the hundredth time or playing a movie you’ve already seen because you don’t know what else to watch. Well, there’s a deeper scientific...

Current Trends in Alzheimer’s Research

Alzheimer’s, described by the Mayo Clinic as the “most common cause of dementia,” leads to the shrinking of the brain and the eventual death of brain cells. Despite decades of...

STEM Cells: The Key to Healing Horizons

Do you know why certain organs and tissues regenerate? When you have a smallscrape or cut, the tissue regenerates in a matter of days or months, sometimesleaving a small scar or remaining intact as...

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